Tuesday, May 19, 2015


It's been a while.  

I've been putting this off for so long, but here's my attempt at a long overdue update.  I'll admit, for some time there it was rather gloomy to reflect on a time that is no longer and an adventure that is just a memory.  It's a bit difficult to wrap my brain around the reality that it has been five months since my last entry.  Five.  Months.  My adventures in France have come to a bittersweet end.  I regularly find myself daydreaming about the mountains, and sometimes late at night the wind plays tricks and I swear I hear the crashing of Atlantic waves.  Am I making this stuff up?  Nope. Am I ultra pathetic?  Definitely.

Memories.  I look back at one of the most challenging things I've ever done with such love and such longing to go back.  France was quite possibly the coolest thing I've ever done.  Hands down.  Besides maybe dating Levi Harmon.  (Shoutout.) ;)  But I honestly loved it.  I can't express on paper, or this little space on the inter-web, or even in my head words that describe the feels I'm feeling about that place and those people and that time.  It was SO FREAKING GOOD.  I am still taking away lessons learned from that trip.  Maybe someday I'll have the chance to share more.   But for now I'd like to leave it at that and say thank you to the many dear friends and family who supported me along the way.  I could not have done it alone and was blown away at God's provision through you.

How does someone move on from something so huge and impacting?  Great question.  It's certainly been a learning experience for me, and I by no means figured it out on my own.  Since returning home, discontentment has been an ugly battle.  Through the process of readjusting back to life in the states, I've realized that nostalgia can often times be a liar that insists that things were better yesterday and robs joy from where God has me today.  Yes, the Eastmans and France are my favorite ever.  Yes, I would kill to go back.  (figuratively of course, no worries) :)  But that is not what God has for me right now, so I am to be content and joyful here.  Let me tell you, that had proven more challenging than I anticipated.  Especially during the frigid winter months.  Fortunately, spring is here!  Praise the Lord!!!!  This past month has been a joyful one and I can wholeheartedly say I am happy to be where I am.  God has been faithfully and and patiently teaching me to stop living in the past and to live in the right here right now while being thankful for past experiences he's given me.  Even if I might like to be somewhere else, he is good, and he has something for me here.  And that leads me to some preeeeetty exciting stuff...

While one story has come to a close, a new journey has begun in the Dufrin home.  Five weeks ago, my family and I were geeked to welcome two Ukrainian kids into our home for a 7 week period.  Meet Sergei and Lena.

Long story short, a church in Ukraine, scattered all over the country due to war and the invasion of Russia sought refuge for their children.  Through the efforts of one specific family in my church, connections were made.  God's hand was so evident through the entire process and host families hearts were moved to act.  A few short months after the initial presentation of the idea of bringing these kids over, twelve kids hopped off a plane (their very first time) and on to American soil.

Some pictures of their time here so far...

 From left to right: Anton (chaperon), Sofia, Vova, Lera, Nikita, Lena, Bogdan, Lilia, Nastya, Anton, Demid, Vlad, and Sergei.

In my mind I thought for some reason we would be the ones pouring into these kids, changing their worlds, and impacting their lives.  While I do hope that's the case, I didn't realize how much the opposite would be true.  These kids have gone through so much, have had so much taken away, and have lost hope in returning to a "normal" life back in Ukraine... and yet they have not lost hope in Christ and an eternity with him.  Their testimony and contentment with so little scream glory to God and have had a huge impact in my life and so many others around them.  Lena and Sergei have brought so much joy and we are so thankful to God for them.

 Trying their hand at American football.

We are blessed.
