Monday, May 2, 2016


I don't know about you guys, but this warm weather has me in a giddy sort of mood where I actually get dressed and do stuff.  I know I'm not the only one who's caught this flower sniffin', sun lovin' spring fever.  My photographer friends have it too and have been spurring me on to get at it again.  And boy does it feel good.  Last Sunday was a simply gorgeous day, and I got to spend it with a dear friend who kindly let me make a guinea pig out of her.  I admit over the course of the past few months, I have lost a lot of confidence behind the camera, and it has been so good to "get back on the horse" and in the saddle again and take some pictures I really love.  Plus, with this beauty as my subject, it was a real challenge getting a decent photo, let me tell ya. ;)

Welcome spring, it's nice of you to drop by. Stay awhile? Cuz boy it's nice to be out of hibernation. 
